Make Donation

Small changes make a big impact on people’s lives

“I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver”

                                                                                                   Maya Angelou

Would you like to get closer to the heart of our mission? Ladies of Destiny can do more and serve more individuals and families with your donations. Visit our donations page to give online today or send us a message so we can communicate with you about options.


Our aim is to remove poverty

Ladies of Destiny supports and empowers women, men, and children from all walks of life through yearly giving and serving. One way that Ladies of Destiny embarks on this bold vision is by awarding scholarships to high school seniors. Our Ladies of Destiny & Men in the Mirror (established in 2023) continues yearly through service to the homeless, an individual in need, grieving families (repast or passing financial blessings), school supplies, donations to the Rose, 14 Rays of Love, Easter Lilies to Our Seniors, Thanksgiving food boxes, Toy Giveaways, and Christmas for our Seniors.

Our Destiny is to walk in a way that is pleasing and to Mirror in his Steps.


" It’s A Blessing to Be A Blessing "

Support The Youth And Children In our Local Community.

LOD, count it a blessing to be a blessing to lend a helping hand to provide the serving of prepared dinners for bereave families. Each year the organization work hard to supply toys to children in the community. We also show appreciation to our Senior Citizens.
In 2019, LOD started their first Annual Scholarship Program to deserving high school seniors in Brazoria County. Now, years later we have implemented and have grown to award scholarships in the Fort Bend, Harris & Matagorda Counties.

Like our motto says “It’s A Blessing to Be A Blessing”!



Medical & Health

Medical & Health

 Healthy Food

Healthy Food



“It’s A Blessing to Be A Blessing”!

Join Ladies of Destiny

Join Our Growing Band Of Members

    Altrivice Revis
    Altrivice Revis


    None of us truly know how long we have to give and serve. But we are the salt of the earth, and I am delighted to share the outpouring of God’s love with others. Ladies of Destiny gives me many opportunities to give in big and small ways now.

      Jimiese Rochelle Pinkney
      Jimiese Rochelle Pinkney


      We have a wonderful group of ladies who share the same views and are passionate about serving the communities and following Christ. “Without a doubt, my life has been forever changed!”

        Tanya Sharpe
        Tanya Sharpe


        Helping others creates a sense of belonging and gives me a sense of purpose. Giving also helps to keep things in perspective for me. My day is brighter when someone appreciates what I have given from my heart.